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00001 // $Id: screenshot.h,v 1.1 2005/06/13 13:20:28 rcr_muc Exp $
00002 // do different kinds of screenshots, save them as PNG
00003 // 2005-06-08 rcr
00005 #ifndef SCREENSHOT_H
00006 #define SCREENSHOT_H
00008 #include <qrect.h>
00009 #include <qpixmap.h>
00010 #include <qimage.h>
00011 #include <qstring.h>
00013 #include "screenshotui.h"
00015 class QTimer;
00016 class AreaGrab;
00018 class ScreenShot : public ScreenShotUI
00019 {
00020   Q_OBJECT
00022   enum Mode { screen, window, area };
00023   Mode mode;
00024   int delay;
00025   QTimer* timer;
00026   QPixmap shotPixmap;
00027   QImage shotImage;
00028   bool haveImage;
00029   QString workDir, fileName, baseName;
00030   int shotCount;
00031   QRect areaRect;
00032   AreaGrab* selectArea;
00034   void getWindow();
00035   void displayShot();
00036 public:
00037   ScreenShot( QWidget* parent = 0, const char* name = 0, WFlags fl = 0 );
00039 public slots:
00040   void shoot();
00041   void save();
00042   void target( int );
00043   void delaychanged( int );
00044   void fileSelect();
00045   void fileChanged();
00046   void timeout();
00047   void areaSelected( const QRect& );
00048   void areaSelect();
00050   /* just to help me remember the names...
00051     QFrame* shotFrame;
00052     QButtonGroup* buttonGroup1;
00053     QRadioButton* screenRadioButton;
00054     QRadioButton* windowRadioButton;
00055     QRadioButton* areaRadioButton;
00056     QSpinBox* timerSpinBox;
00057     QToolButton* fileToolButton;
00058     QLineEdit* fileLineEdit;
00059     QPushButton* shootPushButton;
00060     QPushButton* savePushButton;
00061     QPushButton* cancelPushButton;
00062     */
00063 };
00065 #endif // SCREENSHOT_H

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created 13 Jun 2005 for screenshot $Revision:1.1$ by Rolf C. Rönnau using doxygen 1.4.2